April Anarchy 2021

 A Blood Bowl: Team Manager tournament

The duo at Neff Central are preparing to host the 3rd annual April Anarchy!  This annual tournament pits Ben vs Jen in a 2-player tournament of 6 initial matchups -- all of the Blood Bowl Team Manager teams against one another to determine which is supreme, for this year anyway. 😎

The teams are divided into a bracket style head-to-head matchup in a two-player, single-elimination  format. Once 6 teams win and advance, if a either Jen or Ben has two teams that are now matched up head-to-head, they will select which team they wish to control going forward.

Each round, the losers of a match will be eliminated as the winner advances. From 12 teams to 6 teams to 3; until there are only two, where finally one will be crowned the champion of April Anarchy! Check out last years results here: April Anarchy 2020. The teams are ranked into seeds to determine their overall strength, based on personal opinion and last years results, although lower seeds may be well suited to cause an upset and defeat a higher ranked favorite, so nothing is guaranteed. To preview the teams and learn about their strengths and weaknesses, go to:

Fantasy Flight Games.com - Bloodbowl Team Manager - Team Analysis

BBG Thread - "which-team-best"

Next, we need to draft our teams and set up a bracket. That will come this week!


5/15/2021 Semi-Finals:
The Reikland Reavers out played the Naggaroth Nightmares, but cheating and cabal contracts went in the favor of the Dark Elves. Plus Morg'n'Thorg  joined them for half the game.

5/19/2021 Final Results:
What an excellent finals game! The Naggaroth Nightmares channeled the Darkside Cowboys of 2461 and brought as many stars to the pitch as they could muster. The ratmen outplayed them, running circles around the elves, who wanted a straight up fight. The skaven snickered and skittered away with the trophy, which has not been seen since! It is rumored they took it to a warpgate and gave it to their Rat God. We'll see if anyone can get it back before next years tournament. Until then, don't turn your back to the ball.
