The Playoff Bracket of the Blood Bowl Team Manger tournament April Anarchy 2020 is complete! The final results are as follows:
(1) Champions of Death 44
(4) Lowdown Rats 32
This was not the Lowdown Rats day. Eventually all that cheating and tom-foolery catches up with you, and it did today. At first things were going very well, one goblin ran off with the Mummy's wrappings, and so the that old corpse never even saw the pitch!
However Emil von Carstein suited up for the Champions, and he must have been a catcher in his living days, because he picked up the ball and ran with it rather than hit someone! If a goblin hates anything, it's someone who is actually trying to score the ball!! So naturally, a gobbo with a nasty spiked flail ran straight for the blood drinking swine, but tripped and got fouled up in his own weapon.
In all, 5 goblins were called off, 2 goblins fell on their own weapons, and one troll wandered off the pitch and picked his nose rather than hit someone.
The Champions will move on to defend their 2019 championship against the Athelorn Avengers, who have scored over 50 points in each fixture this April Anarchy! It will be a match-up of grace and lithe dexterity vs slow, ponderous death-dealing and death-defiance. Getting the ball will be paramount - an easy thing for the wood elves, but the Death have their own 'carriers', the ghouls, and getting them to the ground, if they do get the ball, may prove difficult but key for the sylvans...
April Anarchy 2020 Championship
The Athelorn Avengers ball handling skills were on display during this tight championship, and the fans loved it! Not to be outdone, the mummy duo of Ramtut IV and Mumma Hotep put on an injury clinic, leaving elf and elf laying twisted on the pitch. But it was too slow a strategy to overcome the swiftness of the sylvan team. The Avengers coach scored a big signing, stooping to a new ethical low, with Morg'N'Thorg! The ogre merc single-handedly scored while taking a wight out of the equation, winning the Spike Magazine trophy once again. Anything to win a championship, right?
Meanwhile, Tomo'landry's magic wand must have been on the fritz, as no regeneration was going on on his sideline.
Even so, going into the Blood Bowl final it was anyone's game, 20-26 with the elves in the lead, but the Champions would have the last play. The Death drew... 4 skeletons and their freebooter blitzer fell flat on his dumb, living face trying to tackle a wardancer, sealing the win for the Avengers!
(1) Champions of Death 28
(3) Athelorn Avengers 40
(1) Champions of Death 44
(4) Lowdown Rats 32
This was not the Lowdown Rats day. Eventually all that cheating and tom-foolery catches up with you, and it did today. At first things were going very well, one goblin ran off with the Mummy's wrappings, and so the that old corpse never even saw the pitch!
However Emil von Carstein suited up for the Champions, and he must have been a catcher in his living days, because he picked up the ball and ran with it rather than hit someone! If a goblin hates anything, it's someone who is actually trying to score the ball!! So naturally, a gobbo with a nasty spiked flail ran straight for the blood drinking swine, but tripped and got fouled up in his own weapon.
In all, 5 goblins were called off, 2 goblins fell on their own weapons, and one troll wandered off the pitch and picked his nose rather than hit someone.
The Champions will move on to defend their 2019 championship against the Athelorn Avengers, who have scored over 50 points in each fixture this April Anarchy! It will be a match-up of grace and lithe dexterity vs slow, ponderous death-dealing and death-defiance. Getting the ball will be paramount - an easy thing for the wood elves, but the Death have their own 'carriers', the ghouls, and getting them to the ground, if they do get the ball, may prove difficult but key for the sylvans...
April Anarchy 2020 Championship
The Athelorn Avengers ball handling skills were on display during this tight championship, and the fans loved it! Not to be outdone, the mummy duo of Ramtut IV and Mumma Hotep put on an injury clinic, leaving elf and elf laying twisted on the pitch. But it was too slow a strategy to overcome the swiftness of the sylvan team. The Avengers coach scored a big signing, stooping to a new ethical low, with Morg'N'Thorg! The ogre merc single-handedly scored while taking a wight out of the equation, winning the Spike Magazine trophy once again. Anything to win a championship, right?
Meanwhile, Tomo'landry's magic wand must have been on the fritz, as no regeneration was going on on his sideline.
Even so, going into the Blood Bowl final it was anyone's game, 20-26 with the elves in the lead, but the Champions would have the last play. The Death drew... 4 skeletons and their freebooter blitzer fell flat on his dumb, living face trying to tackle a wardancer, sealing the win for the Avengers!
(1) Champions of Death 28
(3) Athelorn Avengers 40
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