I taught QMG to my friend Ben Richter - he played the Axis and I the allies. It is a brain burning activity to try to balance all three nations in your head and only take a reasonable amount of time... and we added the "Prelude" expansion which adds only a couple quick actions to the game per nation and alters the status of the nations at the start. You might have more armies on the board, or a couple of pre-prepped reaction style cards.
Ben Richter won as the Axis 301-280. Germany was eventually occupied by the Americans. The U.K. established a strong defensive presence throughout the Commonwealth. But the U.S.S.R. was on the back foot immediately and required help to survive. As the U.S. focused on putting pressure on the Germans and Western Europe flopped back and forth, Italy and Japan went about slowly establishing massive empires. Japan took Alaska and Western Canada, and managed to hold China while the Roman Empire was reestablished across Africa and the Middle East.
It was a lot of information to track for just 2 players. I really look forward to playing again with all 6 players. I'd love Joe to get to play, but if we can get together for an Anchorage-resident game, Ben has said he'd love to play again, as just one nation. And the Prelude cards added fun asymmetry to the setup.
Then we played Imperial 2030 four player - and I ended up winning with an Africa/Middle East strategy. I like the disconnected feel of this game. You are manipulating the world instead of trying to directly control it.
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