I painted up a set of lower tier "Street-Level" heroes (Yondu is street level, in space? haha)
My skin tones turned out very chalky this time around - not enough thinning of new Vallejo paints.
Luke Cage
Dark Skin Tone - see recipe - Rhinox Hide w Purple, Doombull Brown highlight, Doombull Brown 1v1 mix with Steel Legion Drab 2nd Highlight, Final highlight with 8x1 Ushabti Bone plus water, final shading of Druchii Violet 1v1 mix with Lahmian medium for wash
Yellow shirt - Averland up to bright yellow
Armbands/buckle - NMM Silver
Shoes/belt/beard - black
Pants - Blue grey (Shadow grey)
Jessica Jones
Pale skin tone - Bugmans Glow basecoat, Cadian Fleshtone highlight, VGA Paleflesh super highlight from above, Reikland Fleshshade mixed 1v1 Lahmian Medium for wash, pale highlight above this
White shirt - Celestra - Ulthuan Grey- White
Leather Jacket - Black, Incubi Darkness, Thunderhawk Blue, Wear (Dawnstone, Flayed One Flesh)
Hair - Black, Eshen Grey , wash
Blue Jeans - Kantor Blue, Lothern Blue or Caledor Sky, 50/50 watery mix (desaturated) (add black for shadow), Warpfiend Grey, Flesh, White
Shang Chi
"Chinese" fleshtone (Basic Flesh+Desert Yellow+Dk Green to cancel 'pinkness') Feathered up with white/lighter skin tones. (Asian is about absence of reds, use green {ForestSkin 74.013} to do this)
Hair - black
Red jumpsuit - Citadel Redtones
Brown tone on jumpsuit - Flat Brown, Graveyard (Steel Legion Drab)
Yellow boots/zipper/pinstriping - Averland, on up
Armband - NMM Gold
Nunchucks - Black and NMM Silver
Hair - Dark Angel Green Contrast or Dark Sea Blue/Black, mis with Snot Green, White
Skin - Black Green, uniform Green, and 50/50 mix tones, up to Sherwood (Camo/Olive) and Irati (Snot/Hunter) from Uniform Green
Gums- Bugman's glow
Teeth - Bone then white
Jumpsuit/Shoes - Celestra - Ulthuan Grey- White
Jumpsuit accent and gloves - Naggaroth Night, Xerxes Purple, Genestealer Purple
Skin - Standard 'caucasian' skin (see Jessica Jones - with less pale highlights)
Hair - Dryad Bark w black, brown wash, highlights
Shirt - Dark Grey
Leather jacket - Black, Incubi Darkness, Thunderhawk Blue, Wear (Dawnstone, Flayed One Flesh)
Pants/Shoes - Deep grey/blacks
Missile Launcher - NMM Silver
Skull - Ulthuan Grey, White
Coat - Magenta/Dark Purple/Pink Horror/Light Pink
Vest - Dark Purple/Xerxes Purple up to Genestealer
Pants - Desaturated purple, grey highlights
Shoes - Deep purple
Holster/belts/gloves/hair - black
Mohawk - German Orange w Crimson Red Base
Skin - Macragge, Caledor, Temple Guard BLue, and higher blue highlights
Buckles - NMM Silver
Neckerchief - White
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