Warhammer Underworld - Garrik's Reavers! (and skin tone recipes)

These guys are your standard barbarian-esque blood-loving Chaos warriors. Great poses, and varied skin-tones really bring out the character of each one. Thank you to RobpaintsModels for that inspiration! 

Great skin tone recipes I used (taken from a video on Youtube):

(Instead of Cadian Fleshtone - used either Medium/Flat flesh tones??)

Pale, sickly, demonic  

1. Bugmans Glow basecoat, washed with violet
2. VGA Pale flesh mixed with GW Cadian Fleshtone top down layering
3. Highlight with Pallid Wych Flesh
4. Reikland Fleshsade (1) to Druchii Viloet (2) then 1v1 with Lahmian Medium wash

Default GW skintone

1. GW Bugmans Glow basecoat
2. GW Cadian Fleshtone highlight l
3. VGA Paleflesh super highlight from above
4. Reikland Fleshshade mixed 1v1 Lahmian Medium for wash (used on next two skintones as well

Slightly darker skintone than the default

1. GW Bugmans Glow (2) to GW Steel Legion Drab (1) mix
2. GW Cadian Fleshtone 1v1 mix with GW Ushabti Bone highlight layer
3. GW Pallid Wych Flesh thinned down as final highlight
4. Reikland Fleshshade mixed 1v1 Lahmian Medium for wash (I would add a bit of Agrax to darken)

Midrange, "mezo-American"

1. GW Steel Legion Drab mixed with viloet ink basecoat
2. GW Cadian Fleshtone mixed with GW Steel Legion Drab top down layering
3. Highlight with thinned Cadian Fleshtone, on pectorals and tops only
4. Final highlight with 8x1 Ushabti Bone and water for light highlight
5. Reikland Fleshshade mixed 1v1 Lahmian Medium for wash (maybe a 3v1 Reikland to Agrax)

Dark skintone

1. GW Rhinoz Hide (4) to VGC Violet (1) mix basecoat
2. GW Doombull Brown highlight
3. GW Doombull Brown 1v1 mix with Steel Legion Drab 15/20 degree above highlight
4. Final highlight with 8x1 Ushabti Bone and water for light highlight
5. Druchii Violet 1v1 mix with Lahmian medium for wash
