Blitz Bowl Chaos Chosen team - Khornate Bloodletters

After I painted and played Gorechosen by Games Workshop, an arena battle game in which up to 4 chaos warriors fight to the death.

The models in that game were so good,  I knew the Chaos Blitz Bowl team I wanted to create a team tied to Khorne, rather than 'general chaos'. So I grabbed a set of Bloodreavers used the beastmen from the chaos Blood Bowl team.

I wanted to go with all ram horns on the beastmen, but my wife convinced me that wouldn't look as good, so I mixed them up.

The standard Red, Black, and Gold looks so good on the warriors in Gorechosen that I stuck with it for the team colors. In the future, maybe I'll come back and make another Chaos team with a different god and color scheme, using the leftover warriors and alternate beastmen. Tzangoors would be an easy choice, or maybe Daemonettes!

Anyway - here are the Khornate Bloodletters!

I'm happy with this team, but there are so many possibilities with Chaos.
What kind of Chaos team do you have/want to make?
