Washing shade onto --- plastic resources?
Edge of Darkness is a fun game. This game is a good improvement on the Mystic Vale game that introduced the Card Building mechanic, swapping in a Dominion or Aeon's End style tableau to draft from, instead of a Star Realms, Clank!, or Ascension-esque card row. And adding a good amount of other elements, such as variable card 'ownership', threats, three resources representing 'goodwill', 'influence', and 'reputation' (image is everything... haha) and a cube tower.The Kickstarter came with plastic resources, but the artwork looked better on the cardboard chits, IMO. I wanted the coins and other plastic bits to look better, but was I really going to paint resources? Then a better idea came along - use raw shade on them. The recesses are so deep as to take the slightly diluted shade well and not rub off with use, even without priming. The coins turned out the best. The blue sections are a little muddy looking, but rubbing the wash off the numbers helps.
Check out the results and let me know what you think below!
The blue, gold, and silver coins lined up with the tone of shade used. You can see an unwashed blue token to the left - it really is much easier to read the tokens now. |
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