Kairic Acolytes - Warhammer Quest Silver Tower - Age of Sigmar

Kairic Acolytes - Warhammer Quest Silver Tower set

In my previous post regarding painting Grotlings, I mentioned a search for inspiration for the next models I wanted to paint, the Kairic Acolytes. I was intrigued by the look of the models I found on a MengelMiniatures.com tutorial. 

I wanted to try the wash technique used on the skin. I started with "zenithal" highlights, created by priming the minis black, then coming back with a primer layer of Corax White from an angle above the miniatures. I din't use a specific angle, I just shot primer at them from over their heads, I would spin the models as I primed, ensuring some "zenithal" priming highlighted at least the upper edges of each part of the minis. Of course the top of the heads and shoulders and so on was completely white by this point, which is what I was going for.

Then I used the washing techniques shown by Tyler. My results we a little darker, or "greyer", in the recesses due to the priming. I don't think I highlighted enough. But I liked that grainy, dirty look and kept it.

I also added a step to wash the head and mutated feet of the acolytes with a darker shade, I used a thin layer of Bugman's Glow followed by mix of Reikland and Crimson wash, but any dark flesh tone or red/brown , or purple, any color could have worked really...

I'm happy with the look of the muscled changelings. Thanks for the inspiration Tyler!

My next set of minis to paint was going to be the Tzaangors.
