Descent 2nd Edition - Mists of Bilehall - Monsters – Undead

Descent 2nd Edition - Mists of Bilehall - Monsters


These bone constructs were a simple single base color with a heavy wash - going pale with Rakharth Flesh for the master and more bone color with Zandri Dust for the minions.


Heavily armored skeletons, more fun than your basic run of the mill skeletons, and fitting the 'reanimate' running theme in Terrinoth. Rusting and aging the armor with the new technical paints from Citadel was simple and a blast.


These walking maggot buffets are moody and gross - an insight into what it might be like to paint Nurgle, which I hope to paint soon for Bloodbowl. :)

"A-oOOO Maggots!" (watch Work-a-holics)
