
Star Wars - Imperial Assault - Rebels - Bespin Gambit - Davith Elso and Murne Rin

Descent 2nd Edition - Manor of Ravens - Monsters – Wraiths and Bandits

Star Wars - Imperial Assault - Rebel - Jabba's Realm - Shyla Varad

Star Wars - Imperial Assault - Merc - Jabba's Realm - Weequay Pirate

Fusion Beast of Sentina - Empires of the Void II - Red Raven Games

Descent 2nd Edition - Stewards of the Secret - Hero – Tatiana

Descent 2nd Edition - Shadows of Nerekhall - Hero – Ravenella

Descent 2nd Edition - Base Set - Hero – Grisban the Thirsty

Star Wars - Imperial Assault - Imperials - Jabba's Realm - Jumptroopers

Micro Art Studio bases