Star Wars - Imperial Assault -- Mercs -- Bespin Gambit -- Ugnaught Tinkerers

Ugnaught Tinkerers -- who are these little guys?

We get to see them run around getting ready to fire off the carbonite freezer in Empire Strikes Back. Apparently one of the Rogue One heroes was a rebel Ugnaught as well?

Current canon tells us that this race was enslaved, then several clans were freed in exchange for helping build Cloud City, and then subsequently re-enslaved by the Empire. Tough nuts being an Ugnaught, maybe that 's why most of them are "evil", or at least ambivalent to "good" motivations.

In Imperial Assault, this translates to being fairly weak but a wiz with a droid. Skirmish tournament playlists with these guys are all the rage, hitting from a safe distance away with disposable junk droids.

Painting Goals

Paint a couple different color schemes - elite and standard, and to go for a bright cell-shaded look. Something different for me.

Base coats

For the tunics, I started with Rakarth Flesh for a pale khaki look on the standard Tinkerer and Averland Sunset for what I hope ends up being a pale yellow tunic for the elite Ugnaught.

Heavy aprons are and Kantor Blue (standard) or Abbadon Black/Mephitson Red (elite).

For the hair/beards - I'm aiming for pale blond on the elite and whispy white on the standard. I'm already too dark for the standard having chosen Mechanicus Standard Grey with a black wash. I'm going to try to lighten this up. The blond started with Averland Sunset and a yellow wash.

Skin tone should be pink, but I started with Bugman's Glow with Reikland flesh shade.

The robot are on both was based in Leadbelcher and Stegadon, with Mephiston Red for the cable.
The hammer was based in Mechanicus Standard Grey and Mournfang Brown.

Shades and highlighting

I applied a Flesh shade to the Rakarth Flesh tunics, then highlighted with Flayed One Flesh and then Palid Wytch Flesh and edged with Palid Wytch mixed with white.

For the Yellow tunic the shade was Cassandra Yellow mixed with flesh shade, highlighted with Flash Gitz Yellow and then Gitz yellow mixed with increasing levels of white.
