Painting - Yellow Leather and scratching up armor

Random note - to get Yellow leather (like work gloves, or Timberland Boots) I used the following:
  1.  Base of Graveyard Earth, layer with Desert Yellow, highlight with Screaming Skull. To saturate the color more, add in a yellow like Yriel or Sunburst.
I can't believe I took so long to learn that yellows and flesh colors "comes out of tan/browns" as far as looking natural with shade and so on...

And that to put scratches on armor use:

Yellow armor - Scorched brown marks with Skull highlight line
Green armor - Incubi darkness marks with Scorpion green/Skull mix highlight lines
Red armor -Scorched brown marks with Skull highlight line
Blue armor - either Incubi darkness or Kantor blue marks with Lothern blue/Skull mix highlight lines
Purple armor -
Orange armor -
Gold armor -
Bronze armor -

Hmm still need some work there... :) haha
