Descent 2nd Edition - Base Set - Monsters – Goblins, Cave Spiders, Flesh Moulders

Descent 2nd Edition  - Base Set Monsters:


These Goblins are five identical archers. They are easy as pie, with minimal detail that I worked to highlight, such as their armor, and the feathers on their arrows. I will not paint another Goblin in 2018, I think... or maybe I just hope. 😰

Cave Spiders

These cave spiders make me think of fuzzy, humid caves - so I went with a mossy look and made the master an albino - a trend I continued with some other monster sets. To reflect poison I pained patterns on the top of the abdomens. 

Flesh Moulders

These guys are a mix of great ideas and bad miniature details. The extra hands and legs are not well defined and come out somewhat muddy - so i worked to try to pick out details here and there, and to thy for a decent magical swirl.
