Descent 2nd Edition - Base Set - Monsters – Merriods

Descent 2nd Edition  - Monsters


These monsters are unique to Descent and I love that. Walking sharks, Yes! I tried to go natural with these guys, fading dark aqua blue green (Stegadon) into creamy blue white (Celestra), with tiger like stripes wrapping around the tentacles. It could be a little cleaner, but the effect came off well. 

The bases were fun too, I first painted my fairly simple cobblestone bases, with Mechanicus standard grey, chardnite granite mortar, and shadowing with lighter greys. Then I layered green wash in decreasing radius areas to make water, getting "deeper" to the back of the monsers toward the tails. Then I added celestra and other light grey/whites to create foam and establish the edge of a few washes created by the Merriods as they exit the water.
