Descent 2nd Edition - Base Set Heroes

Descent 2nd Edition - Base Set Heroes (3)

Syndrael, Widow Tarha, Jain Fairwood

I had painted a handful of Descent minis in the past for a friend, but he left the state! A few years later, I really wanted to play the Imperial Assault co-cooperatively via the app. But the app was not out and there was no date yet announced. So I purchased Descent and started to paint it so I could play cooperatively on the app.

I descend to bling out the bases on the heroes with pre-made bases from Microartstudio as I saw on Sorestro's YouTube tutorials for painting Descent minis.

I was very pleased with the results and the Heroes stand out suitably from the rest of the minis.

Widow Tarha

Syndrael the Elf

Jain Fairwood
