Ally Packs
Villain Packs
Chewbacca |
Han Solo |
Rebel Saboteurs - Race -- Duros with additional figures from the Wizards of the Coast 34mm Star Wars collectible miniatures line from 2004 to 2010. |
Rebel Troopers |
with additional figures from the Wizards of the Coast 34mm Star Wars collectible miniatures line from 2004 to 2010 |
- General Weiss
The General and his AT-ST were painted using the techniques shown by Sorestro on YouTube:
My paint job of IG-88, like many of my early IA minis, is basic. He looks great in the game, but some steps were skipped, like painting each individual wire or different metal objects a different color.
- Royal Guard Champion
I've never painted my Royal Guard Champion, just using a figure from the Wizards of the Coast 34mm Star Wars collectible miniatures line from 2004 to 2010 (
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