Natural d20, the hereos of Wrath of Ashadalon

In support of Brad painting, I primed and started some figures back in November I think it was. I had nothing going at the time, waiting for Dreadball to show up. I grabbed a couple of cultists and snakes from the the Wrath of Ashardalon D&D Adventure set. They were surprisingly nice sculpts to paint! Working during the month of December, I've finished all 5 heroes, along with all monsters save the 3 large guys. There remains a Rage Drake, an Otyugh (trash-eater), and the Ancient Red Dragon at the heart of it all in Undermountain-- Ashardalon. Here are the five heroes:
Heskan the Dragonborn Wizard
Tarak the Half-Orc Rogue
Keyleth the Elven Paladin
Quinn the Human Cleric
Vistra the Dwarven Fighter

Orc Shaman
Duergar Villain
Kobold Villain
