Battlelore - Base Set - Goblin units & Giant Spider

September 8, 2012

Started work on the first of two "fantasy" mercenary armies included in Battlelore, the Goblinoids. Made of of Goblins and larger Hobgoblins, I found the difference skin tones, dress, and fantasy element of these figures to be more interesting than the human forces. I also started painting the Giant Spider with the Gobbo's.

I also purchased an issue of White Dwarf #341 June 2008 for $2.00 from Bosco's. It has a basic painting tutorial in the middle. I reference this as I tried out blending for the first time, on the lizard hides and the Hobgoblin Swordsmens' shields.

Photos courtesy Elise Strauss (

Battlelore Base Set - Goblin Mercenary Army
  • 6 Hobgoblin Cavalry
  • 4 Hobgoblin Swordsman
  • 16 Goblin Skirmisher / Swordsman
  • 4 Hobgoblin Archers
  • 1 Giant Spider
Paint Scheme: (*note all bases were painted Camo green w Agrax Earthshade wash and Averland Sunset highlights)

Hobgoblin Cavalry
prime  Black
tunic White, no shading (in the future I might try Celestra Gray as a base for white)
skin Goblin Green w Thraka Green wash
headdress Woodland Green w Thraka Green (Jokaro Orange/yellow highlight)
shield Boltgun washed w Badab Black, Orkhide Green stripe
Lizard mount 3 types -- Daemonette Hide/Stegadon Green/Graveyard Earth (see GW new paint guides for Daemons, Stegadon, and Khaki)

Hobgoblin Swordsmen
prime  Black
tunic Khorne Red, Mephiston Red layered and highlights
headdress & sash Celestra Gray, White highlights, with C Gray wash
skin Goblin Green w Thraka Green wash
headdress Woodland Green w Thraka Green (Jokaro Orange/yellow highlight)
sword/dagger/axe & boots Boltgun washed w Badab Black, rust on sword (orange/brown wash)
straps/Axe Handle Besital Brown w Snakebite Leather highlights
shield Mephiston Red blended to Abaddon Black, Averland Sunset w/Yreil Yellow design, Skull White star

Gobiln Skirmisher / Swordsman
prime  Black
armor Ironbreaker/Badab Black
leather Bestial Brown/Devlan Mud
skin Goblin Green/Thraka Green
helmet Runelord Brass/Devlan Mud
straps Besital Brown/Devlan Mud
shield Scorched Brown/Bestial Brown -- either striped (like wood grain) or matte like planked wood (see separate summary on wood grain here:
boots Scorched Brown

Hobgobiln Archer
prime  Black
tunic Skull White/Devlan Mud
skin Goblin Green/Thraka Green
headdress Woodland Green w Thraka Green (Xerues Purple/Titilating Pink highlight)
armor/shield Boltgun - drybrushed on shield
quiver/boots Scorched Brown w Bestial Brown highlights
straps Besital Brown w Snakebite Leather highlights

Giant Spider
prime  Black
body Catachan Green w Gretchin Green and Knarloc Green highlights and Thraka Green wash
body accents Jokaron Orange w Trollslayer Orange highlights and Carroburg Crimson wash
eyes Mephistan Red
mandibles Snot Green
