Battlelore - Base set - Human units

January 2012

Started painting Battlelore base set today. I picked up a few more Citadel paints, new spray primer (black), and sealer coat (clear matte) and I am wrapping up the Memoir '44 base set project.

2 armies -- French (Standards)/English (Pennants) -- 166 figures total
  • 16 Heavy Infantry
  • 72 Regular Infantry
  • 16 Irregular Infantry
  • 32 Archers
  • 12 Heavy Calvary
  • 18 Regular Calvary
 This project was going to be long and I knew it. Not even counting the "fantasy" races of Goblins and Dwarves included in the game, there are 166 units to paint. After considering options to paint units different for the French and English sides, I opted for a uniform set of troops, to be differentiated by the flags (Standard vs Pennant) only.

Paint Schemes: *note all bases were painted Camo green w Agrax Earthshade wash and Averland Sunset highlights

Human Heavy Infantry
prime  Black
armor (legs, chainmail,arms,shoulders,helmet) Boltgun w Ironbreaker highlights & Badab Black wash
tunic/plume Blood Red
shield Blood Red (Xerxes Purple in one case)
belt Scorched Brown
sword Boltgun w Mithral highlights
shield design Skull white
Human Heavy Infantry

Human Regular Swordsman
prime  Black
armor (legs, chainmail, helm, arms, sword) Boltgun w Ironbreaker highlights & Badab Black wash
shoes Snakebite Leather w Devlan Mud wash
tunic (leather armor) Calthan Brown w Graveyard Brown highlights
satchel Bestial Brown
helm drape/shield Enchanted Blue
shield design Space Wolf Grey
face Elf Flesh
Human Regular Swordsman

Human Irregular Swordsman

prime  Black
tunic Knarloc Green w Thraka Green wash
leggings Orkhide Green
leather/shoes Snakebite Leather w Devlan mud wash
shirt Snot Green
gloves Desert Yellow w Devlan mud wash
face Elf Flesh
sword guard/helmet Boltgun or Dwarf Bronze
sword Boltgun w Mithral highlights
shield Snot Green
shield design Scorpion Green
bag Calthan Brown
Human Irregular Swordsman

Human Archers
prime  Black
tunic Knarloc Green w Thraka Green wash
undershirt Snot Green over Orkhide Green
leggings Orkhide Green
leather/shoes Snakebite Leather w Devlan mud wash
bow/arrow/hilt Bestial Brown (a handful of bows were painted with Bleached Bone)
gloves Desert Yellow w Devlan mud wash
arrowhead Boltgun
quiver/scabbard Scorched Brown
face Elf Flesh
arrows Skull White
hair Calthan Brown, Averland Sunset, Abbadon Black, Gothor Brown
Human Archers

Human Heavy Cavalry
Same as Human Heavy Infantry, with the addition of the Blood Red cape, Bestial or Calthan Brown harness/saddle, and Snakebite Leather saddlebag. The horses were painted a variety:
white Elf Grey, with grey shading and white highlights
grey Adaptus Battle Grey, with black shading and grey highlights
brown Scorched or Bestial Brown, with brown shading and tan highlights
tan Snakebite Leather, with brown shading and yellow highlights
Human Heavy Cavalry

Human Regular Cavalry
Same as Human Regular Infantry, with the addition of the Bestial or Calthan Brown harness/saddle, and Snakebite Leather saddlebag. The horses were painted a variety:
white Elf Grey, with grey shading and white highlights
grey Adaptus Battle Grey, with black shading and grey highlights
black Granite, with black shading and black "highlights"
brown Scorched or Bestial Brown, with brown shading and tan highlights
tan Snakebite Leather, with brown shading and yellow highlights
Human Regular Cavalry

Update ~ Break taken from painting this set - April 7, 2012. The volume wore down my excitement for the set. And spring had come.

Update ~ Finished! The human contingent was finished August 26th, 2012.
