Painting guides - Simple Silver NMM, Bronze NMM attempt, and Blonde Hair

Blonde hair

1) Base coated of Flayed One Flesh 2) Shade coat of Seraphim Sepia 3) Dry brush or Edge Highlight of Flayed One Flesh again.

For best results edge highlight just the most prominent strands of hair. The dry brushing still looks good, but can look a bit chalky.

Simple Silver NMM

  1. Vallejo Black (or every black you vant)

  2. Vallejo Dark Sea Blue - main color of metal. Not just ordinary grey.

  3. Vallejo Intermediate Blue

  4. Vallejo Ghost Grey or Mindtaker Mist Grey

Simple Bronze NMM

Dark Sea Blue (VMC), layered with Flat Brown (VMC)  mixed with Mournfang Brown (Citadel). then layers lighter and cut with 'light streaks' using Mournfang and Orange Brown or Skrag Brown, then Ivory.

Simple Gold NMM
